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Hunter is the leading solution to find and verify professional email addresses.

Domain search

Email finder

Email verifier

average rating is 4 out of 5, based on 44 votes, ratings (TrustRadius)

Product information:

Get the email addresses behind any website.

The Domain Search lists all the people working in a company with their name and email address found on the web. With 100+ million email addresses indexed, effective search filters and scoring, it's the most powerful email-finding tool ever created.

Type filter

List only the personal or the role-based email addresses. For example, addresses like "contact@".

Email pattern

Get the most common email format used in the organization from dozens of possible combinations.

Find someone

Type a name and get the proven or most likely email address of this person.

Score & verification

Find verified email addresses or get a confidence score in percentage.

Save a lead

Save any profile to your leads to export or synchronize them with your favorite CRM.


Every email address has public sources you can check along with the last discovery dates.


Find the email address of any professional.

Find the email addresses of people you want to contact one by one or in bulk to enrich your database. The Email Finder uses a large number of signals to find the proven or most probable email address of anyone in a fraction of second.


Verify the deliverability of any email address.

The Email Verifier does a complete check of the email address to let you send your emails with a complete confidence. As it uses our unique set of data, the Email Verifier can return a result even where other standard verification tools fail.

Free features:

50 requests/month

Domain search

Email finder

Email verification

Google sheets add-on


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